Sunday, February 11, 2007

just babbling

Earlier today I wasn't feeling too good. I was feelin kinda old and kinda alone. It was just a kinda kinda day. But then something magical happened. Something so splenderfully great that it erased all my worldy worries. I took a trip to Best Buy. I know, I know... I buy things when I'm depressed and spend money that I could use on better things like books, tithings, food, etc. But this time I wasn't really depressed. Just a bit under the weather until the Best Buy gods openned the heavens and reached down to me saying, "Lo, Achan. Behold the $5.99 movie movie deal." That's right, people, can you say A Few Good Men and The Last Dragon (one of the ALL TIME GREATEST MOVIES EVER). I'm not kidding when I say this, but I almost creamed my pants. That's right, there in the L section of DVDs. It was a very close call.

But hold on, sportsfans, there's more! In keeping in line with my addiction to tv, I got seaon 2 of two of my favorite tv shows for almost half price EACH! That's right Lost and Grey's Anatomy for only $30 a piece. This time I did cream my pants. The store associates were non too happy about that. So now I'm left hoping for a snow day so I can stay in my jammies and watch kick ass dvds. On the negative side, the highlight of my week occured on Sunday. That means it's all downhill from here. Now, if only Seaon 3 of the wire didn't go for eighty-three freakin dollars I'd be a happy camper.

Growing old and alone

So, this morning, when I woke up I was feeling some kinda way. I had just had the most fucked up dream probably in the history or dreams (which I'm still too traumatized to even think about right now. Let's just say, some therapist will be able to send his/her kids to an Ivy after they get done with me. There'll probably be money left over for grad school too) and am still going through Valentine's withdrawl. This, by the way, is the first time in quite some time that I have been valentineless. I remember giving advice once to a single friend that Valentine's Day isn't about being in love, it's about being loved. That, of course, was a bunch of crock. Christmas is about being loved. Thanksgiving is about being loved. Valentine's Day is about being in love, or if failing that, having somebody willing to share a bit or really, really good sex. But I digress.

So, I woke up from my fucked up dream and my feelings of ill will and still I was having an ok morning. But then IT happened. I went into the bathroom to do my morning ritual (not the morning masturbation, I mean the OTHER morning ritual). As I stare at my haggared reflection in the mirror, I notice, to my horror that my grey hair has gone white. I mean, white as the newly driven snow, white. White as the viewer base ot CMT, white. Before, when the bastard was gray, I didn't much mind (well, I did, but it didn't make me crazy. Ok, so it did. But, it didn't make me THIS crazy). I mean, seriously, my head looks like a KKK member at a Public Enemy concert. And if there's one thing I'm not a huge fan of, well, that'd be the KKK.

Since we're on the subject of gray that goes white... What if I went the Chief route. Yes, this is a Grey's Anatomy reference. After all, the chief dyed his hair and only looked slightly weired. I'm sure I could pull it off. I mean, I'm young and virile, right? I'm such a loser... sigh. Oh well. I guess what this leads to is me solicitating any mildly attractive to very attractive single females out there who are looking for true love on Valentine's Day, or maybe you're just looking for true love making. At this point I'm none too picky.