Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sorry, Peter. Wendy doesn't live here any more.

Growing up, growing old. That’s how I feel. Time to put childish toys to bed. So I spent most of my afternoon in bookstores. Looking at books. Browsing. Inhaling their aroma, if you will. And I ended up buying Wicked by Gregory Maguire, I Love You, Beth Cooper by Larry Doyle, and 28 Days Later: The Aftermath by Steve Niles. Ok, so maybe one of those IS a graphic novel, but the operative word here is NOVEL.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Achan is one sexy mofo.”

Stop, you’re making me blush. Seriously, cut that shit out!

Ok, so maybe you’re not thinking that. You’re probably thinking something along the lines of, “Since when did buying books make you grown up?” Well, apparently since I said it did. There. But really, it’s what goes along with buying the books. About six months ago I retired my PS2. At the time I figured I’d just unplug her and free up some space in the living room. But since she’s been away I’ve been reading WAY more. So, yeah, while my reflexes and hand-eye coordination may be suffering slightly, I’m feeling just a tab bit more worldly and mature.

Well, actually, I unplugged my PS2 because I was planning to buy a Nintendo Wii. Pronounced “wee” as in “this is so much fun! WEEEEEE!!!!!” Either than or, “Thinking about the amount of money I just spent on another video game system makes me want to wee my pants.” I’m sure one of those applies. So I was supposed to be saving money for this game system, and every time I buy a new book I can hear my inner child muffle a scream.

“Why don’t you love me anymore,” is what Inner Child Achan said to me today as I took more Wii money and put it towards books. I was feeling a little guilty at the way Inner Child Achan was looking at me, so I made him go to his room, sans dinner. Problem solved.

Also, if you’re at all into what the Apocalypse might be like if it were to be handled by somewhat less than capable Satanists, demons, and angels, might I suggest you pick up Good Omens by Neil Gaiman. Seriously, the end of the world has never been so hilarious. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go beat my inner child into silent submission.