Monday, April 14, 2008


I hate Mondays. I hate people who come into work on Mondays all chipper like it's Friday. I guess that means I hate Ms. Young... Well, I don't (not really), but she's probably on something. And if she isn't, well, she should be.

This is how my day started today:

On my way out from The Room That Controls My Destiny (otherwise known as the "that place where we keep the copier that's supposed to be a teacher's lounge but isn't because certain people use it at random times and make it totally uncomfortable for teachers to lounge in, and oh by the way did I mention that it's got a huge glass wall and everyone can see inside so you don't have any privacy anyway" room. TRTCMD pretty much dictates whether or not I'll have a good or bad day. Get copies done = good day... Crazy copier on the fritz = should have stayed in bed and practiced self love, or what ever it is that people do when they take sick days. I mean, I wouldn't know, since I only get 5. Plus, I'm pretty sure they'd send someone to my apartment to run some tests and make sure I was actually sick in the event that a sick day was used. But then again, that could just be me being paranoid and bitter, but dear me, I digress, and yes, this is another run on sentence, but it doesn't matter because I have a master's degree.

I didn't get much sleep last night, so my brain's pretty much as useful as a bowl of cold oatmeal. That being the case, I'll get to the point: As I was leaving TRTCMD none other then Ms. Young, aka Sworn Enemy Number Two, came waltzing in on a sun beam as a golden shower of light radiated from her hundred watt smile. That last sentence was kind of funny, because I thought of golden showers, the R Kelly type. THAT would be an interesting day at work if I was greeted with a golden shower first thing in the morning, or any time of the day for that matter. I'd probably have to talk to legal about that. I think our conversation went something like this:

Ms. Young: Hi, Achan!
Me: *incoherent mumbling*
Ms. Young: High Five!
Now, I'd just like to take this time to say that I am perhaps the world's biggest high five fan. It's like a weird applaud you do with a friend that says, good job world. We did it. God bless the high five. Anyway, I gave her the high five before I realized what what happening.
Me: What was that about?
Ms. Young: Its Monday!
Me: I hate you...

Man, I love my co-workers. G'night.